I had the opportunity to think and write about all things ham and bacon.
Smithfield produces approx. several billion pounds of pork each year. I feel heavy just thinking about it. Working on it adds ten pounds.


Esskay is a part of the Smithfield family. It's a beloved Baltimore name - think of it as the Cal Ripken of hot dogs.

Farmland Foods
The Farmland brand is owned by Smithfield Foods. They operate independently out of Kansas City and partner with hometown teams such as the Royals and Chiefs.

Farmland Bacon Club
My AD partner & I helped in the development of this social, bacon institution - creating recipes, contests, hacks and other piggly wiggly content. Check out more here.

We had an annual post every April Fool’s Day.

For an April Fool’s flavor, we went through several rounds before deciding (and gagging) on this one.

Recipe videos are all the rage these days, so we did our own bacon-centric ones.

Last but not least in calories: Bacon Ice Cream Cookies. If you've made it this far, might as well. Resistance is futile.

TEL: 201.452.0414 EMAIL: WAKA5192@GMAIL.COM